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  • Writer's pictureSnehil Chhabria


There are some laws that define success, if you follow them you're bound to be successful in your field. These are very basic, yet people lack their knowledge and eventually end up quitting.

These laws are based on the traits of highly successful and revolutionary people in the world.


Many people in this world are just thinkers, well it's good to think of an idea that would fill some gap in the market but keeping it to your mind is just a waste of it. You need to execute, or atleast try to execute what you think. May be this will include learning new skills that are required, what if Mark Zuckerberg just thought of a social platform and didn't took action towards making Facebook? Yeah think of it. What if your idea is also this much revolutionary? You never know, so take action on whatever you have in your mind.


I'm pretty sure that the next Bill Gates will not develop an operating system and the next Jeff Bezos will not build an e-commerce site. These people reached the top because they dared to create something new, they didn't copy anyone. When you copy, you actually destroy your identity. And when your mind shifts from creating some thing new to just copying, it stops expanding. You need to expand to new levels to achieve success in life. Feed your mind and harness the power of it.


Once Elon Musk said that if you tell yourself that you have 10 years to complete a certain goal, you'll end up taking 10 years to accomplish it where as if you tell yourself the limit is just 6 months you'll be able to reach your goal much earlier than you would've in 10 years limit. The thing is that it's all about how fast you work on your goal, if someone is putting in 50 hours/week, you should put in 100 hours/week. In a year they would be just 50% of your work. Yeah it sounds astonishing because it really is, just be consistent. Don't be afraid to put in the work, because it's the work that you put in will make you reach new heights.


Get up daily and work your ass off. There is no shortcut to it,just pure hard work and determination. You need to be self motivated to wake up everyday with the belief of achieving your goal. People usually stumble when it comes to follow this law,but the one who does, gets the reward. If it was easy, everyone would do it. You are given a task according to your potential, if you can think of it then you can certainly make it exist.


The last and the most important law, believe in yourself, believe in your idea, believe in your hardwork and believe that the future is always going to be better than the past and your actions make the future so take actions accordingly. It's all within you that comes around you so make sure that your beliefs are strong enough to make the future better.

Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun.". -- Mary Lou Cook


Life is not solely about finding a purpose, but also about living it. Make sure while you march towards your goals you don't forget to enjoy little things in life, happiness is all that matters. But don't live a purposeless life, do something that you can be proud of. #keephustling

Hope you are doing well and staying safe, do share your views in the comment section below.

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